
Craps One peek at the brand new and exciting Craps website and you’ll know exactly what we mean when we say “WOW!” Riveting graphics, smooooooth navigating, over 100 award-winning games driven by none other than industry leader Playtech, plus the most professional Customer Support team ever assembled to “serve players like they’ve never been served before. And if that’s not enough to get your gamblin’ juices flowing, get this: Craps is currently offering first-time depositors a 100% Sign-Up Bonus up to an unbelievable $1177. We repeat: $1177. If that’s not worth checking out pronto, we don’t know what is. From the get-go, it’s clear the folks behind this jewel-of-a-site are thinking long-term and bent on attracting – and retaining – a loyal following indeed. And to be frank, though we rarely get so fired-up about new online casinos, with all due respect to other gaming sites, we’re convinced Craps is going to kick some major assets. Launched just recently, Craps is already enjoying tremendous odds of becoming perhaps the hottest casino online today in terms of overall style, excitement – and from what we can see – unparalleled mega-cash jackpots. Also, in addition to craps, you’ll find all the finest games here including blackjack, roulette, video poker, slots, and keno. Of course, trust is a must when selecting an online casino to wager your hard-earned money at. Integrity is key, not only in terms of how quickly your winnings are paid out to you, but also concerning a casino’s fair-gaming practices. Fortunately, Craps’s got that department covered too, given that the games are driven by Playtech – the largest publicly traded online gaming software company in the world. Still, no online casino is perfect and from time to time players may require assistance. But rest assured; from our experience with the Craps support staff (yeah, we threw them a few curve balls), players’ concerns are addressed immediately. The support staff is on hand 24/7/365 via phone, email, fax, as well as online chat. Now that’s service! Though at first glance Craps’s 100% Sign-Up Bonus may not appear all that special seeing as how many casinos will match players’ deposits by 100%, what is unique is that players can bank up to an incredible $1177. And the generosity hardly stops there. Players are also treated to a VIP Program that’s second-to-none and the valuable player points awarded to frequent players add up quicker than you can say, “I’m rich!” Okay, perhaps we’re exaggerating a bit. Nevertheless, according to the company officials we spoke with, players at Craps can definitely count on an endless array of fabulous promotions in the future. Unlike other casinos out there hustling empty slogans, Craps is indeed a solid, reliable, and respectable firm promising players 100% security and privacy. It’s evident that the experts behind Craps are eager to win your business and will go that extra mile to show you an amazing time… with each and every visit. So go on, get your fix now. Craps’s a sure bet. Website: Craps

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